- Report
- Bibliography
- 2016, 10-25-Bibliography (Sources Cited in Report).pdf
- 2016, 12-5-Bibliography, Privatization.pdf
- 2000, 4-1-Sclar on Privatization, Book Excerpt.pdf
- 2008, 5-1-GAO Report on States and Persons with Disabilities.pdf
- 2009, 1-1-Privatization and Working Conditions of Health Care Support Staff, Int. J. of Public Adm..pdf
- 2009, 2-11-Outsourcing Poverty, EPI.pdf
- 2010, 1-1-CT State Contracting Board, Chapter 62, Including Privatization Section 4e-16.docx
- 2010, 12-1-Pros and Cons of Outsourcing.pdf
- 2011, 1-1-Bad Business, Project on Government Oversight.pdf
- 2011, 11-6-Hidden Toll as States Shift to Contract Workers, NYT.pdf
- 2011, 12-1-DDS Five Year Plan.pdf
- 2012, 10-1-Impact of Contracting on Job Quality.pdf
- 2012, 2-1-DDS Five-Year Plan, 2012-2017.pdf
- 2012, 4-1-DDS Statement of Mission, Five-Year Plan, Commissioner.pdf
- 2012, 9-1-Trends and Challenges of Caring for Developmentally Disabled, CHCS, 2012.pdf
- 2013, 3-4-Murphy Letter to HHS OIG.pdf
- 2014, 2-7-COFAR on Privatization in Massachusetts.pdf
- 2014, 6-1-Outsourcing, Race-to-the-bottom.pdf
- 2014, 6-30-DDS Five-Year Plan, Interim Report.pdf
- 2015, 12-10-Unrestrained, Abuse of Diasabled by For-Pofit Co., ProPublica.pdf
- 2015, 2-21-Gerald Friedman Memo on Employment.pdf
- 2015, 6-1-AFSCME Outsourcing Fact Sheet.pdf
- 2015, 6-1-OPM Manual on Cost Benefit Analysis, Privatization.pdf
- 2015, 6-30-Cost Of Retirement Benefits, CT.pdf
- 2016, 1-1-Privatization Myths Debunked, ITPI.pdf
- 2016, 10-14-Need disability help in Kansas, KHN.pdf
- 2016, 10-20-CT lost 5,200 jobs as layoffs took toll, CT Mirror.pdf
- 2016, 11-22-DDS Five Year Plan.pdf
- 2016, 12-8-When Public Goes Private, Trump, NY Review.pdf
- 2016, 2-2-Gov. Baker's Race to the Bottom, COFAR.pdf
- 2016, 3-24-DDS Announces Closures, Press Release.pdf
- 2016, 5-24-OIG Report on CT and Developmental Disabilities.pdf
- 2016, 6-24-Florida Cracks Down on Troubled For-Profit, ProPublica.pdf
- 2016, 7-1-OIG Report on Massachusetts.pdf
- 2016, 7-14-Murphy Press Release on Reports, Related.pdf
- 2016, 8-1-DoJ Report on Privatization of Prisons.pdf
- 2016, 8-16-DDS Statement of Privatization Plan.pdf
- 2016, 8-20-Since Privatization, Medicare Waiver Applicants Wait in Vain for Home Care.pdf
- 2016, 8-23-Parents urge Malloy to scrap privatizing group homes, CT Mirror.pdf
- 2016, 9-1-Privatization and Inequality.pdf
- 2016, 9-5-Privatization and Labor-Mgmt Relations, undated.pdf
- Hartford Courant, Various Years
- 2002, 2-10-Death Followed Neglect, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 3-3-Abuse, Neglect Cited As Factors in Death, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 3-3-Details on Deaths of Developmentally Disabled, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 3-3-Fragile Lives, Needless Deaths, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 3-4-Failing Those with Developmental Disabilities, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 3-4-Kimmy Couldn't Survive the System, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 3-4-Tracking Abuse Difficult, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 3-5-When Care Falls Short, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2013, 5-26-Can Training School be Useful, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2016, 5-29-Scathing Fed Report, State Pledges Changes, Htfd Courant.pdf
- 2016, 8-23-Parents Decry CT Privatization Efforts, Htfd Courant.pdf
- Narratives, Money
- Narratives, Client Care
- Privatization, Failures
- 2016, 12-2-Failures of Privatization.pdf
- 1997, 3-1-GAO Report on Privatization.pdf
- 2003, 5-1-Mythology of Privatization for Social Services.pdf
- 2003, 9-1-Privatization in State Government, Journal of State Government.pdf
- 2005, 1-1-SEIU Evaluation_of_Outsourcing_in_the_Public_Sector.pdf
- 2006, 1-1-AFSCME, Safety Net for Sale.pdf
- 2007, 7-18-Peddling Welfare-Privatization, Texans for Public Justice.pdf
- 2008, 5-1-Public Benefits Privatization, J. Poverty Law and Policy.pdf
- 2009, 2-11-Outsourcing Poverty.pdf
- 2011, 1-6-Costs of Privatization, May Not Save Money, Minnesota Post.pdf
- 2013, 1-15-When Public Outperforms Private, Porter, NYT.pdf
- 2014, 10-1-Pay to Prey, Governors Facilitate Predatory Oursourcing of America's Public Services.pdf
- 2014, 12-1-Standing Guard, Public Interest.pdf
- 2014, 3-1-Decision to Contract Out, Understanding Economic and Social Impacts, Univ. of Colorado.pdf
- 2014, 3-11-Press Release on UCCS Report.pdf
- 2014, 3-24-Overlooking Oversight, Rutgers Study.pdf
- 2014, 3-6-Failures of NJ Oversight.pdf
- 2016, 11-16-In the Public Interest, Publications.pdf
- Turnover
- State Spending, IDD
- 2015, 1-1-State of the States, Connecticut Profile.pdf
- 2015, 1-1-State of the States, Massachusetts Profile.pdf
- 2015, 1-1-State of the States, New Jersey Profile.pdf
- 2015, 1-1-State of the States, New York Profile.pdf
- 2016, 9-6-Population and IDD Spending, CT, MA, NJ, NY.pdf